Saturday, August 05, 2006

the walking dead

a little behind lately, so i just read the most recent walking dead issue (thanks solely to the generosity of the boyfriend). must say, this book rocks so hard. every issue just drives forward like madness. i love it.

i love the idea of re-inventing the world. i guess that's why apocalypse shit always appeals to me - it's always the chance to start from borderline scratch and rebuild through all the shit. and it is such a fantastic way to explore characters - because nothing reveals truth in a character more than new situations. how a body deals with change and survives it is so fundamentally interesting to me.

of course i myself would never survive the apocalypse. i have no skills. i would have to become some kind of new world disease-riddled whore or something (by that i mean i would likely become diseased - not that i am diseased now you see - oh who cares). anyway, basically nobody is going to need me for anything else. here - "write some stories - entertain us" or "organize my life and make my office function beautifully" yeah right, more like, "spread your legs if you want to eat this week". so i suppose, for my sake, apocalypse is best left on the page.

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