Saturday, August 05, 2006

i hate the french

i submitted my short fiction piece I Hate The French last week to Pearl Magazine. everyone cross your fingers and toes - it's my first short fiction submission ever. although i also submitted that same week to Swink my piece called The Sink Is Made Of Foam - so I guess they're about a tie for first.

i've had a little bit of poetry submission succes but i always feel like such a charlatan every time i submit a piece of poetry - hell every time i write a piece of poetry. i don't read much of it and while there is some really great work out there most of it doesn't grab me and move me as i feel it should if was a real poet. and my favorite stuff (spoken word/slam) i feel i don't see enough of and feel woefully unqualified to write in the first place.

now short fiction, there is another story. i devour short fiction like it is water, or air. more like air actually since i never seem to drink as much water as i am supposed to.

so it suddenly seems very important waiting for that acceptance or rejection letter. with poetry it always just seemed like another piece of paper.

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