Monday, January 01, 2007


okay so this is my second blog about neil labute, which ranks him up there near the walking dead it seems. basically i've been compiling a list of what i read this year for a an extremely exciting "Kelly's Year in Review 2006" blog (coming soon!). anyway, i guess that's why i started thinking about neil labute and the mormon thing again, kind of out of nowhere.

i can't figure this mormon/neil labute thing out and would love anyone with particularly incredibly insight to weigh in. i always manage to block out the fact that labute is mormon. somehow my brain cannot hold the two facts together at once. not that you can't be a great writer and be mormon but that you can be a writer like labute - the kind of subject matter he tackles and the way in whch he tackles it is so "un-mormon" - really so "un-religious" even. so how is he both these things? mormon and let's call it "alternative/groundbreaking" writer. so i just can't figure it out. which i suppose is why i block it out, only to remember it later and attempt to re-puzzle it out again. let me also say that while i am no expert on mormonism i did grow up in salt lake city for a large portion of my life and feel i know a little more than the average joe about both the religion and the people.

neil labute, mormon.

i just can't fucking figure it out.

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