Saturday, August 05, 2006

at the risk of...

...making this a fanboy blog devoted entirely to the walking dead i still must post that walking dead 29 was fucking great. as always i am a giddy school boy counting down until the next issue. make it august kirkman. make it august.

(spoiler below)
and don't count glenn out just yet. crying and pissing yourself is what any of us would do in his fucked up position. doesn't mean we wouldn't be a badass in the final analysis. i think glenn will find the badass in himself as well. and i think the govnenor putting glenn in a cell next to michonne and letting him hear what is happening to her was the worst mistake he could have made, short of raping and torturing michonne in the first place. and if you think glenn already spilled his guts i suggest you read that shit again.

also, on a slightly (very slightly) differnt note. i just realized in issue 29 in the letters pages that kirkman is only 27 years old. what the fuck? what have i been doing with my life?! jesus.

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